Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Some proposals

Seeing as this group weblog has, ahem, stalled somewhat, I've been think of some ways of making it more interesting. Now that I have a new job, with far fewer hours and more free time, I've been thinking of someways to liven this weblog up a bit now that I have the time to do so.

With the advent of audioblogging, I see no reason that we could not regularily conduct short "mini interviews". You have five minutes to record a post - so what if someone contacted, say, Louise Glück and did a five minute interview with her to be posted on the weblog? You could do a three-way conference call.

I'm also considering a radical makeover of the template, so anyone with ideas please contact me.

Anyone who has any ideas on how they think that this weblog might be made more relevant and interesting to a larger number of people, please let me know.